So here we are towards the end of this year 2010......and must say it went like a bullet train,extremely superfast,
leaving behind all the good and bad memories,in my own word I say a new book with a new chapters will be opened within few hours,so how was my book 2010???
Well it was not that bad,it have thought me many lessons,many thoughts and many many things which I should have done much before,I have learnt to express,and to whom to express,I have learnt to laugh at the situation where in I have shaded so many tears.....and most importantly have learnt about people who backstab you and you dont even realise...Now when I think of those moments,I laugh at them,and sometime cry too....I lost people who were close to me.....have hurt someone who was and is special to me....tried harder for winning my love....felt like slapping and also killing some....thought of having magic power to bring back all that I have lost...and tried to accept loosing something which I never had....and most importantly it has given some so so so good memories which i will never ever forget in my entire life...
So here were some short listed chapters,which have thought me lessons after taking my live test......but before this year end...let me tell I loved the entire journey of 2010....I hope and also have faith that the year 2011,will bring loads of love,happiness,friendship............and something great which I never expected but hope for.......
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
My favourite....
I just love this really really touches my heart whenever I listen to it.....
Ranjish hi sahi dil hi dukhane ke liye aa
Aa fir se mujhe chhod ke jaane ke liye aa
Aa fir se mujhe chhod ke jaane ke liye aa
Pahle se marasim naa sahi fir bhi kabhi to
Rasmo rahe duniya hi nibhane ke liye aa
Rasmo rahe duniya hi nibhane ke liye aa
Kis kis ko batayenge judai ka sabab hum
Tu mujhse khafa hai to zamane ke liye aa
Tu mujhse khafa hai to zamane ke liye aa
Kuch to mere pindar-e-mohabbat ka bharam rakh
Tu bhi to kabhi mujhko manane ke liye aa
Tu bhi to kabhi mujhko manane ke liye aa
Ik umr se hoon lazate giriya se bhi mehroom
Aye raahate jaan mujhko rulane ke liye aa
Aye raahate jaan mujhko rulane ke liye aa
Monday, November 22, 2010
I BELIEVE..:) all about,love,joy,sorrow,pain,heartbreaks,laughter...etc etc.I just love my life...though its not perfect at alll...I always keep reminding myself that this is it,this is the only one life you have got and you have to make it to the fullest,which usually makes me fall in thts life is'nt it?? whats the use of it if we don't do whatever we want to...I have fallen in love...confessed it..had my heart broken,seen some of my friends turning into enemies...,have become close to people who were once just faces in the crowd...,have loved to the fullest,seen my close friends crying and stood beside them helplessly...,and worst of all have seen someone else...but as i said thats life...each day is a lesson filled with negative and positive vibes...every incident have moulded me into a new soul,sadness had made me yell WHY ME??...happiness have brought tears in my eyes., I have faced the unexpected...and have missed some expected things,but yet these things never stops me and they never will
I still chase my dreams,pray wholeheartedly,trust my friends,expect the unexpected to happen and most importantly I BELIEVE........
I still chase my dreams,pray wholeheartedly,trust my friends,expect the unexpected to happen and most importantly I BELIEVE........
Sunday, November 14, 2010
atithi devo bhava....
ATITHI DEVO BHAVA....guest is god ,well we must have learnt this from childhood and ya i do believe in following seems my dad has taken these words too seriously.....resulting number of guests visiting our residence.The problem doesn't start here,its the surprise of varieties we get is really irritating (as we hardly know who comes as they are related to dad's business) ...but some experiences are worth describing too..
Here is one of them....recently my dad's friend visited our residence..well he was invited by my dad just few hrs ago from his all happened this way..the friend called my dad to inquire about the address of a wedding venue,near by our residence,which he was going to attend with his entire with seriousness of the words ATITHI DEVO dad invited them so that they can have dinner with us..WTF...will the dinner not be served at the wedding.????...but uh my dad...he forced them to come along...poor mom had to cook the lavish dinner...with fish as the friends family loved eating fish...who would'nt if its served FREE!!...the food was cooked and but we could'nt eat...well how can we go ahead without the what if the rats along with other animals started dancing inside our tummy...At around 1:00am yes 1:00am the guests arrived...who politely said that they cant have food as they had already eaten their dinner at the wedding...keeping respect for my dad's invitation they even arrived....OH they only drank the cold drinks and moved..HUSH THANK GOD ITS OVER....!!!! the lavish fish was saved for us...and we ate dinner at around 1:45am...the time where even the rats in our tummy along with his friends had gone to sleep....zzzZZZzzz
Its good to be good...but sometimes being too good takes you dad really needs to know this...
I hope he understands this atleast once in his lifetime....
Here is one of them....recently my dad's friend visited our residence..well he was invited by my dad just few hrs ago from his all happened this way..the friend called my dad to inquire about the address of a wedding venue,near by our residence,which he was going to attend with his entire with seriousness of the words ATITHI DEVO dad invited them so that they can have dinner with us..WTF...will the dinner not be served at the wedding.????...but uh my dad...he forced them to come along...poor mom had to cook the lavish dinner...with fish as the friends family loved eating fish...who would'nt if its served FREE!!...the food was cooked and but we could'nt eat...well how can we go ahead without the what if the rats along with other animals started dancing inside our tummy...At around 1:00am yes 1:00am the guests arrived...who politely said that they cant have food as they had already eaten their dinner at the wedding...keeping respect for my dad's invitation they even arrived....OH they only drank the cold drinks and moved..HUSH THANK GOD ITS OVER....!!!! the lavish fish was saved for us...and we ate dinner at around 1:45am...the time where even the rats in our tummy along with his friends had gone to sleep....zzzZZZzzz
Its good to be good...but sometimes being too good takes you dad really needs to know this...
I hope he understands this atleast once in his lifetime....
Saturday, August 14, 2010
The kite runner.
The kite Khaled Hosseini.As,a true lover of gulf stories(i still don't know why??),I always wanted this particular book on my shelf.Though I didn't get the opportunity to read it,I ended up watching its movie.And WoW,what a masterpiece it was.Marc Foster the director,has done an awesome job,I always preferred reading book before watching its movie,but my experiment to watch this flick first was not a waste.
Now coming to the movie,the story unfolds about friendship.loyalty,fear and relationships.Friendship between master and servant.loyalty between servant and master,fear of facing the truth and relation between parent and child.The story revolves around the very much happy Afghanistan,its culture and tradition,before the Russians entered into the picture.How people had to fled away from their very own country.And then journey of bleeding Afghanistan had no end from Russians to now Talibans.
I would really like everyone to watch this movie,and enjoy it to the fullest.

I would really like everyone to watch this movie,and enjoy it to the fullest.
Finding peace in nature....
Nature,a precious gift from God,mostly ignored in our busy scheduled life
Ever had a date with nature???
Have you ever planted a flower???
If the answer is NO you surely do that soon,trust me there is no other way to find peace then to get close with nature..The other day I fell sick and as I am at home,I took the opportunity to spent a little time with nature.Then what was next,I along with my dad,planted almost eight plants,adding more beauty in my terrace garden,Now every afternoon,I sit there,chanting prayers,talking to plants or just sitting with my eyes closed listening to the sounds of leaves and birds,and what a magical feeling it is.
But sadly it wont last for a long time,after few dayyss I will be back to work.But I will try to do this every weekend to connect myself with nature and find true peace.
Ever had a date with nature???
Have you ever planted a flower???

But sadly it wont last for a long time,after few dayyss I will be back to work.But I will try to do this every weekend to connect myself with nature and find true peace.
Friday, July 16, 2010
The Charlie Schulz Philosophy
Life is a journey,with loads of lesson to learn along.Today I came across a very thoughtful mail,really beautiful,one shouldn't miss
The following is the philosophy of Charles Schulz, the creator of the 'Peanuts' comic strip.
You don't have to actually answer the questions.
Just read it straight through, and you'll get the point.
1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.
2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.
3. Name the las t five winners of the Miss America pageant.
4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.
5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and actress.
6. Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners.
How did you do?
The point is , none of us remember the headliners of yesterday.
These are no second-rate achievers.
They are the best in their fields.
But the applause dies..
Awards tarnish.
Achievements are forgotten.
Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.
Here's another quiz. See how you do on this one:
1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.
2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.
3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.
4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special.!
5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.
The lesson:
The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials..
the most money...or the most awards.
They simply are the ones who care the most.
The following is the philosophy of Charles Schulz, the creator of the 'Peanuts' comic strip.
You don't have to actually answer the questions.
Just read it straight through, and you'll get the point.
1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.
2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.
3. Name the las t five winners of the Miss America pageant.
4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.
5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and actress.
6. Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners.
How did you do?
The point is , none of us remember the headliners of yesterday.
These are no second-rate achievers.
They are the best in their fields.
But the applause dies..
Awards tarnish.
Achievements are forgotten.
Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.
Here's another quiz. See how you do on this one:
1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.
2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.
3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.
4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special.!
5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.
The lesson:
The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials..
the most money...or the most awards.
They simply are the ones who care the most.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Yes love = Realization
What is love?????........Love is emotion,its devotion and its affection.Somewhere sometimes ago I had read that love is realization,and always wondered what will I realize when I will fall in love?????
And YES sometime back I don't remember when I realized that love is indeed a realization,it made me realize what emotion is and the feeling of true devotion.Love makes everything beautiful,it makes you feel to live a thousand years more.....and trust me when you are totally drowned in the also realize that love is not alone it comes with package of tears,tears and more tears....then what???,you have scars on your heart,but it doesn't really matter,YES it doesn't,because you will be thankful atleast for being realized (remember love is realization),it will never fade,it can never,but it will make you more strong.
Today I can confidently say yes I am strong,and I am really thankful to love for it,no matter I didn't win it..... for it was love which made me strong,and it will be love which will make me even more stronger,it will give the courage to move on and also the faith to still's all matter of realization.....for I had not fallen in love I would have never known that somewhere behind an emotional girl there's even a stronger one.....
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
JUAREZ.......shocking and sadly true...!!!!
Last week I watched a wonderful movie named BORDERTOWN....and trust me the movie was shocking,disturbing and fearful......and above all it was worth watching.......
The movie is about a place called Juarez,a border city across the Rio Grande from the U.S city of El-Paso,Texas.
The movie focused on the hundreds of women working in American-owned factories who have been brutally raped and murdered in the city (Juarez) gripped by fear,the victims are generally reported missing,later finding their bodies in a vacant lot or buried in the desert area........The attacks have been covered up by the local authorities, and still continue today,what will you find is the corrupt system propagated by unfair labor system,with no police protection at all.....
After watching the movie I couldn't wait to tell everyone about the movie and the truth that it unfolds.
The sad part is this killing still takes place in Juarez.....I really wish every person should watch this movie and if nothing atleast pray to God,for what's happening.
For women is the precious gift from God,she's the mother that sustains the very breath of can a man even think of killing her.....
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Where Are Those Dayzzzz......
As I was surfing channels on the television to catch up something to make me relax I did'nt get anything other then disappointment.
Seriously our television set is no more an entertaining medium rather it has become more superficial.,I mean where are those dayzzzz...... when television use to entertain us with good sets of series.....
Memorizing the old days I remember series like HUM PAANCH,HIP HIP HURRAY,JUST MOHABBAT,BANEGI APNI BAAT,DEKH BHAI DEKH....which were just outstanding.The short love stories RISHTEY which used to telecast on zee tv,made us realize true meaning of relationship.While today we only have saas -bahu soap opera,which is truly useless as well as meaningless.
And ofcourse the DISNEY HOUR was the best hour during those time.RECESS, DUCK TALES, TALE SPIN....were more entertaining then present cartoon series..I hardly watch cartoons now, except for tom and jerry,doreamon and shinchan.Series like SMALL WONDER,I DREAM OF JENNIE and DIFFERENT STROKES had its own charm.......
Some of the channels like COLORS had brought tele-series like BALIKA VADHU which have spread social awareness which is something different,but unfortunately after that we had number of series on the same topic,so there's nothing different, we just get same salad served in different plates.
And if that is not enough we have number of reality show lined up on each channel,we have singers,we have dancers and we have comedians too, the only difference here is we have some judges who argue too much and some who just laugh their lungs out.
Its sad that the saas-bahu opera which as I said before is useless (no offence,thats my opinion),do well and are never ending ,while good shows like MAHI-WAY,SARABHAI v/s SARABHAI,KHICHDI got wrapped up soon.
Currently my favourite show is RISHTA.COM and I like watching TRAVEL and LIVING (atleast there is no saas,bahu or vamp in it..LOL).
Its really sad....the television ...which is my favourite thing in my house(yes even after the trash it shows inside) no more entertaining for me.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
It's all GOD's plan......
While surfing net yesterday I came across a beautiful story,which I would really like to share......
The Story: Wrong Number Sweety:
It was the day of my son’s XII results and I was so tensed. I sat beside him while he logged on the website with his registration no,”Mom”, he screamed in excitement, “I scored 1191, with centum in 4 subjects.” I can’t believe it. I kind of became numb in my excitement. My eyes became wet. I kissed him on his forehead and smiled.
Soon we realized that he stood first in the state. Oh, my joy knew no bounds when reporters and media persons soon swamped my house for interviews and photos. I was so honored to join him in the snaps.
I wanted to call my “wrong-number- friend” to tell him the news…… I was so excited.
He was someone whom I have known for more than 20 years.
I still do not remember when we became friends, but certainly cannot forget the first day he called me when I blasted him for giving me so many wrong calls….. After that he had called up a week later asking apology, for he had now got the right number of his friend whom he wanted to talk to .We spoke for an hour that day…even without knowing each other’s names. Though he kept pestering me to reveal my name I never did and so he kept a name…Sweety. I used to feel so shy whenever he called me ‘Sweety’. I was doing first year of BSc. Maths then.
From then he used to call me very often. We almost discussed everything. By the final year of my college, we probably were in love, but I had been cautious. I was in a dilemma whether to tell him. But what if he was of a different religion? Do I have the courage to talk to my parents about it? ……..all these questions ran through my mind.
I decided I’ll not talk to him thereafter. When he called next time I lied to him that I was going to Delhi for my post graduation. He gave me his office number and asked me to ring him up once I reach there. But I never called…… .
A couple of months later my marriage got fixed with a guy of my parent’s choice. I was not happy but I did not complain; rather accepted it as an obedient daughter. At times I felt I missed my wrong- number- friend…… .
My hubby was a moody person; I have hardly spent any good time with him- but he was genuine indeed and never bothered with my personal space. After 2 years we had a boy…Yet, I was not very happy with my married life…One day I happened to browse through my diary and found that I still had my old friend’s office phone number that he had given me. I dialed it and spoke with him. He said he was married and got a kid too. I was happy for him,though in the bottom of the heart I felt bad that I could not marry him.
From then I used to occasionally call him on that number. I never gave him mine as I felt that would put me in trouble… And till today I almost shared everything with him including my relationship with my hubby… I was so happy that I wanted to call him.
Just then I got a call.
I still do not remember when we became friends, but certainly cannot forget the first day he called me when I blasted him for giving me so many wrong calls….. After that he had called up a week later asking apology, for he had now got the right number of his friend whom he wanted to talk to .We spoke for an hour that day…even without knowing each other’s names. Though he kept pestering me to reveal my name I never did and so he kept a name…Sweety. I used to feel so shy whenever he called me ‘Sweety’. I was doing first year of BSc. Maths then.
From then he used to call me very often. We almost discussed everything. By the final year of my college, we probably were in love, but I had been cautious. I was in a dilemma whether to tell him. But what if he was of a different religion? Do I have the courage to talk to my parents about it? ……..all these questions ran through my mind.
I decided I’ll not talk to him thereafter. When he called next time I lied to him that I was going to Delhi for my post graduation. He gave me his office number and asked me to ring him up once I reach there. But I never called…… .
A couple of months later my marriage got fixed with a guy of my parent’s choice. I was not happy but I did not complain; rather accepted it as an obedient daughter. At times I felt I missed my wrong- number- friend…… .
My hubby was a moody person; I have hardly spent any good time with him- but he was genuine indeed and never bothered with my personal space. After 2 years we had a boy…Yet, I was not very happy with my married life…One day I happened to browse through my diary and found that I still had my old friend’s office phone number that he had given me. I dialed it and spoke with him. He said he was married and got a kid too. I was happy for him,though in the bottom of the heart I felt bad that I could not marry him.
From then I used to occasionally call him on that number. I never gave him mine as I felt that would put me in trouble… And till today I almost shared everything with him including my relationship with my hubby… I was so happy that I wanted to call him.
Just then I got a call.
“Your husband met with an accident and died on the spot”
I banged the phone down. I broke. I did not call my friend…..I somehow started feeling guilty. I have never tried to talk to my husband properly when he was alive or moved close with him…. I felt I had been a bad wife……..
A couple of years passed and one day my son brought home a Bengali girl and said they wanted to get married. I got them married as I did not want my son to go through what I did.
I decided to give my son his father’s room and started clearing it. There was a phone book. I gently opened it to find,
A couple of years passed and one day my son brought home a Bengali girl and said they wanted to get married. I got them married as I did not want my son to go through what I did.
I decided to give my son his father’s room and started clearing it. There was a phone book. I gently opened it to find,
“Wrong no Sweety – 26579785″!!!
Whatever GOD plans for us it will always be good and in the best interest of our lives but still in quest for getting everything we end up getting nothing. And in the end forget the real meaning of life and crib for what we do not get.
After reading this I realized my mistakes i have made in my life....for not accepting things as they come....for not allowing good to happen for the sake of bad thing that had happened in past.......this piece of story not only gave me hope but also courage to move on.......
Thursday, June 24, 2010
A book that touched my heart.............

There can be no other best way to keep your mind fresh then reading a good book....well but sometimes u get (atleast me) confused which one should be(book) next.........
well encountering one such incident when i was stuck in a dilemma on which book should be next in my library when i came across the book...A THOUSAND SPLENDID KHALED HOSSEINI
To be very honest i was'nt impressed by its summary but it was the author's name that forced me to make a space in my shelf for this book.And fortunately the book was awesome.....
The story revolves around the lives of two unfortunate Afghan women LAILA and MARIAM and how their lives cross each other,while you read the book u come across the fact that Afghanistan was once a beautiful place to live in and how fate have changed it into a war zone. It describe's how women there are subjugated.The best part to learn from the book is even after disaster and only disaster people there have not given up living,love and hope still survives which is told through the eyes of Laila.The book also explains the history of Afghanistan.
The writing has the emotional touch that will rip your heart,and tears will just flow out of your eyes.
If you are looking for a novel which will not only make you cry but also smile at the end you surely go for this one.....
This tragic,unfortunate,painful and not so happy book has seriously touched my heart........
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